7 Tips For Urine Loss At Work

7 Tips For Urine Loss At Work

Urine leakage is never pleasant, but in the workplace it can be extra annoying. Many people are afraid that a colleague will see or smell it. 7 tips to prevent urine leakage from ruining your working ...

Drink less because of urine loss? Please don’t!

Drinking Less Because of Urinary Loss

Drink less because of urine loss? Please don’t! If you suffer from urine leakage, it seems logical to drink less. Because drinking a lot is peeing a lot and therefore more likely to have acci...

10 Foods That Make Urinary Loss Worse

10 Foods That Make Urinary Loss Worse

10 Foods That Make Urinary Loss Worse An overactive bladder is no fun. But did you know that some foods trigger that bladder even more? Ten foods you should actually avoid with an overactive bladde...

What is an overactive bladder?

What is an overactive bladder

What is an overactive bladder? Do you need to urinate very often? And is the urge sometimes so strong that you lose urine? You may have an overactive bladder. The good news: there is usually someth...

Super MRI Study on Urinary Incontinence

MRI Unicare Company

For research by Maastricht UMC+ and Erasmus MC in The Netherlands into the control of the bladder from the brain, a subsidy of approximately one million euros was recently awarded from the Human Measu...

4 frequently asked questions about care for incontinence.

FAQs Unicare Company

1. What can be done to prevent leakage in patients who have hemiparesis, for example? Everything begins with a comprehensive examination of the past. What is the source of your incontinence issue? ...

Alfreds’s Story – How do you tell your partner.

Alfreds story about incontinence

In the beginning I had rational explanations. I had drunk too much coffee. I had had a few beers last night. It’s really cold outside. But when I also started to leak after having been to the to...

Why does the Carbon footprint matters to UniCareCompany and you?

Carbon Footprint

We know the planet is warming due to greenhouse gases that we humans are emitting into the atmosphere. It is clear we need to reduce those emissions dramatically and quickly, to avoid the worst effect...

How to talk about incontinence with your loved one.

Blog about incontinence, baby care & feminine care

Incontinence is a common condition affecting approximately 1.5 million people in the Caribbean (possibly more because many of those living with it may feel shame, embarrassment or anxiety, and do not ...

What is faecal incontinence?

Faesal Incontinence

Faecal incontinence is the unwanted loss of faecal and often occurs in men and women at a later age. In most cases this is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles, especially the outer sphincter of th...