Faecal incontinence is the unwanted loss of faecal and often occurs in men and women at a later age. In most cases this is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles, especially the outer sphincter of the anus. Air or faecal may cause the rectum to expand, so that the sphincter of the anus cannot fully tighten. As a result, unwanted feces can come out.

Although faecal incontinence is often caused by old age, it can also occur in conditions such as a spinal cord injury, a difficult birth or MS disease. It can also be related to a less elastic rectum, a prolapse, chronic inflammation or constipation. The latter may sound illogical, but it is not: because the rectum is full of thick faecal, it is possible that loose stools leak through it.

Faecal incontinence is very annoying. Many people are ashamed of it and of course you want the best possible protection so that your incontinence problem does not affect you as much. But which product is appropriate?

Which incontinence material for faecal incontinence?

Which incontinence material you need depends on a number of factors, such as: how much stool you lose? The thickness of the stool, whether you also have to deal with urine loss and it is of course very important that you feel comfortable with the incontinence material. So that also plays a role.

There are 3 products that fit best for faecal incontinence:

1. Pads

Do you occasionally lose some intestinal fluid? Then a pad offers sufficient protection. The pad can be stuck in your underwear and offers protection against leakage and a damp feeling. Bad odors are also neutralized. There are pads for urine loss available, but there are also special pads for faecal incontinence. You would of course prefer not to use a thick insert because this may be visible, but it can happen that if you use an insert that is too small, the faecal can still come off. It is therefore a matter of trying out which format is most suitable for you. Combine a pad with fixation pants or tight underpants so that it fits well against the skin and cannot slip. View our shaped or ultra thin pads for the ultimate protection.

Advantages: Easy to change, convenient to fix, available in different sizes, easy to carry and throw away.

2. Incontinence Slips

Incontinence slips are an insert that you can attach with the sides around your waist. Do you lose a fair amount of faecal and is it on the thin side? Then it is important that you are well protected; especially at the back of your body. An incontinence slip is quite high and is therefore suitable for this. In addition, you can adjust it to size yourself and fasten it well so that it also stays in place. An incontinence slip can also offer protection if you have firmer faecal or if you also lose urine at the same time.

Advantages: You can attach it yourself so that it always fits well around the body, it can absorb a lot, available in different sizes.

3. Incontinence Pants

Incontinence pants have a pleasant fit and offers a lot of safety and protection. Do you lose little, solid faecal? Then you can use incontinence pants. This can possibly be combined with a pad so that you can change yourself faster. PLEASE NOTE: The double use of incontinence material is only recommended for faecal incontinence. Do you also have urine loss? Then this is not recommended! A pad will leak as soon as it is saturated, this does not apply to faecal.

Advantages: Nice and elastic which makes it a pleasant fit, it feels like normal underwear.

In general, an incontinence slip or pants offers the most protection. Because these products are completely fixed around the bottom of your body, it feels safer and better protected. Read more about all types of incontinence products.